Art Gallery Software

  • What is This About?

  • We Make Gallery Software Work the Way You Would Do.

  • Here are the Main Features & Benefits

  • Organise Your Data in a Snap

  • Save Thousand Of Work Hours!

  • Get Full Art Gallery Admin Control

  • Use Best Art Gallery Admin Practices.

  • Create Web Sites Automatically

  • Manage your Consignments

  • Manage your Contacts and Customers

  • Your Art Gallery Admin will be More Effective

  • Highly Secure & Scheduled Backups

  • Easily Run Web eCommerce

  • Get a Dynamic Dashboard

  • Built-In Invoicing / Inventory System

  • Easily Manage Stock Returns

  • Create Beautiful Gallery Reports

  • Automatically Create Newsletters

  • Easily Manage Artists Portals

  • Know Your Contacts & Customers

  • Digital Media & Document Manager

  • Artist Portal & Exihibitions Manager

  • Automatic Notes Creation & Archiving

  • You Still Haven't Seen It?

  • Get a Free Demo or Trial

 DaVinci Art Gallery Manager USA

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Art Gallery Software

Beautiful, Easy to Use and Feature Rich Functionality

Get Control | Save Money | Leverage Marketing | More Efficient Admin | Web Pages On-The-Fly

Premium Art Gallery modular software package. Remove Art Gallery management bottlenecks, i.e. easily create productivity with managed workflow in art gallery inventory, invoicing, customer and artist databases, consignment management, automatic web page creation and publishing, artist portal, using beautiful templates. We at 1CloudSoftware Ltd provide outstanding productivity enhancing workflow solutions since 1996.

view the checklists for art galleries here

Art Gallery Software on Desktop

Davinci Art Gallery Software Solutions
Click images to enlarge

Art Gallery Software Menu

Davinci Art Gallery Menu
Click images to enlarge

Art Gallery Software on iPhone & iPad

Art Gallery Software on iPhone

Art Gallery Software - by DaVinci iPhone 15
Click images to enlarge

Art Gallery Software on iPad

Art Gallery Software - by DaVinci iPad 19

Automatic 'On-The-Fly' Web Page Creation

Instant Web Page Creation

Art Gallery Software Web Page Creation Publishing Davinci1

Instant Web Page Listings

Art Gallery Software Web Page Creation Publishing Davinci4

How to manage an Art Gallery with dedicated Art Gallery Software?

Managing an art gallery can be a complex task, but using art gallery software can help simplify many aspects of the job. Here are some tips for successfully managing an art gallery with art gallery software:

Checklist for Art Galleries:
How to Select and Implement Art Gallery Software for your art business:

1. Review software requirements:
Understand the specific software needs of the art gallery, including the type of software required (e.g., inventory management, sales tracking, customer relationship management), any compatibility requirements, and the number of licenses needed.

2. Research and select software:
Conduct thorough research to identify software options that meet the art gallery's requirements. Consider factors such as functionality, user-friendliness, scalability, and cost. Once selected, obtain the necessary licenses or subscriptions.

3. Prepare infrastructure:
Ensure that the art gallery's infrastructure meets the software's technical requirements. This may include hardware upgrades, network configurations, and software installations.

4. Data migration:
If the art gallery is transitioning from an existing software system, plan and execute the migration of data to the new software. Ensure that data is transferred accurately and securely, and perform thorough testing to verify the integrity of the migrated data.

5. Training and documentation:
Develop training materials and documentation to help users understand the software's features and functionality. Conduct training sessions for staff members who will be using the software, ensuring they are proficient in its usage.

6. User access and permissions:
Set up user accounts and define appropriate access levels and permissions based on the roles and responsibilities of staff members. This ensures that each user has the necessary access to perform their tasks while maintaining data security.

7. Integration with existing systems:
If the art gallery's software needs to integrate with other systems or platforms (e.g., accounting software, e-commerce platforms), configure and test the integrations to ensure seamless data flow and functionality.

8. Testing and quality assurance:
Conduct thorough testing of the software to identify and resolve any bugs or issues. Test all features and functionalities to ensure they work as expected and meet the art gallery's requirements.

9. Go-live and support:
Once testing is complete and the software is deemed ready for production use, schedule a go-live date. Provide ongoing support to users, addressing any questions or issues that arise during the initial implementation phase.

10. Continuous monitoring and improvement:
Regularly monitor the software's performance, gather user feedback, and make necessary improvements or updates. Stay up to date with software updates and security patches to ensure the system remains stable and secure.

Remember to tailor this checklist to the specific needs and requirements of the art gallery and the software being onboarded.

view the checklists for art galleries here

CRM - Customer & Artist Relationship Manager for Art Galleries

CRM - Artist Relationship Management System for Art Galleries

CRM - Customer and Artist Relationship Management for Art Galleries

Customer & Artist Relationship Management (CRM) is a software system that helps art gallery businesses manage their interactions with customers and potential customers. CRM software for art galleries is designed to streamline the communication, sales process, improve customer service, and increase customer satisfaction. In this essay, we will explore the features and benefits of a CRM system, as well as the various modules that make up a typical CRM system.

Features of a CRM System for Art Galleries

A CRM system typically includes the following features:

1. Art Gallery Contact & Artist Management:
This feature allows businesses to keep track of customer information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. This information can be used to personalize communication with customers and to keep track of customer interactions.

2. Art Gallery Sales Management:
This feature helps businesses manage their sales pipeline by tracking leads, opportunities, and deals. Sales managers can use this feature to assign tasks to sales reps, track sales performance, and forecast sales revenue.

3. Art Gallery Marketing Automation:
This feature allows businesses to automate their marketing campaigns by creating targeted email campaigns, social media posts, and other marketing materials. Marketing automation can help businesses save time and money while improving the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

4. Customer Service:
This feature allows businesses to manage customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests. Customer service reps can use this feature to track customer issues, assign tasks to other team members, and provide timely responses to customer inquiries.

Benefits of a CRM System for Art Galleries

A CRM system can provide a number of benefits to businesses, including:

1. Improved Customer and Artist Relationships:
A CRM system can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers by providing personalized communication, timely responses to inquiries, and better customer service.

2. Increased Art Gallery Sales Revenue:
By streamlining the sales process and providing sales reps with the tools they need to close deals, a CRM system can help businesses increase their sales revenue.

3. Cost Savings:
By automating marketing campaigns, managing customer interactions more efficiently, and improving the sales process, a CRM system can help businesses save time and money.

4. Better Art Gallery Data Management:
A CRM system can help businesses manage customer data more effectively by centralizing customer information and providing easy access to customer data for all team members.

In conclusion:
A CRM system can provide art gallery businesses with a number of benefits, including improved customer relationships, increased sales revenue, cost savings, and better data management. The key features of a CRM system include contact management, sales management, marketing automation, and customer service. The modules of a CRM system include sales, marketing, customer service, and analytics. By implementing a CRM system, businesses can streamline their operations, improve their customer interactions, and grow their bottom line.

… more art gallery software modules: Click

Art gallery consignment software

Art Gallery Software Consignment Management / Payouts

Consihnment Management
Davinci Art gallery consignment software

Art Gallery Payout Management

Consignment management software allows art galleries to keep track of the artwork they have on consignment from artists. This software typically includes features such as inventory management, pricing control, and automated consignment agreements. Inventory management allows galleries to keep track of the artwork they have on consignment. Pricing control helps galleries ensure that they are selling the artwork at the correct price and can easily adjust prices when necessary.

Payout management software allows art galleries to accurately calculate payouts to artists. This software typically includes features such as sales reporting, commission tracking, and payment processing. Sales reporting provides galleries with up-to-date information on the artwork sold and the amount of commission owed to the artist. Commission tracking helps galleries keep track of the percentage of the sale price owed to the artist. Payment processing automates the process of sending payments to artists, which saves time and reduces errors. By using these features, galleries can ensure that they pay their artists accurately and on time, which helps to maintain positive working relationships between artists and galleries.

… more art gallery software modules: Click

Art Gallery Consignment Management / Payouts / Artist Remittance Advise

- Artist inventory software
- Automatic Payout Scheduling
- Payouts Verification
- Payouts Composer
- Payouts Scheduler
- Payouts Statements / eMail
- Remittance Advice
- eMail Remittance
- Print Remittance
- Listings
- Detail Views
- Reports

Gallerie's Consignement Owner Listings

Art gallery consignment software

Art Gallery Software Invoicing / Billing / Payments

Invoicing and billing software modules are essential features of any art gallery software package. The following are some of the important features of invoicing and billing software in Gallery software packages:

1. Customizable invoicing templates: Gallery software packages provide customizable invoicing templates that allow users to create professional-looking invoices that reflect their brand identity. These templates can be customized with the user's logo, colors, fonts, and other design elements.

2. Automated invoicing: Gallery software packages automate the invoicing process, which saves time and reduces the risk of errors. Users can set up recurring invoices for regular customers, and the software will automatically generate and send the invoices at the specified intervals.

3. Payment processing: Gallery software packages provide payment processing features that allow users to accept payments from customers online. These features support multiple payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers.

4. Expense tracking: Gallery software packages include expense tracking features that allow users to track expenses related to their business. This information can be used to generate accurate financial reports and to ensure that expenses are being properly accounted for.

5. Billing and invoicing reports: Gallery software packages provide billing and invoicing reports that give users an overview of their billing and invoicing activities. These reports can be used to identify trends, track payments, and monitor outstanding invoices.

6. Integration with accounting software: Gallery software packages integrate with popular accounting software, such as QuickBooks and Xero, which allows users to streamline their accounting processes. This integration ensures that billing and invoicing data is automatically synced with the user's accounting software, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

In conclusion, invoicing and billing software are important features of Gallery software packages. These features provide users with the tools they need to create professional-looking invoices, automate the invoicing process, accept payments online, track expenses, generate reports, and integrate with accounting software. By using invoicing and billing software, businesses can streamline their billing and invoicing processes, reduce errors, and save time and money.

… more art gallery software modules: Click

Davinci Art Gallery Software: Organise Your Artwork Stock / Inventory

DavVnci Art Gallery Software: Organise Your Artwork Stock / Inventory

Beautiful and Functional Art Gallery Listings and Reporting

DavVnci Art Gallery Software: Organise Your Artwork Stock / Inventory

Versatile, Easy to Use Art Gallery Solution on Mac, Windows and Linux

Art Gallery Software devices 0101

Mobile Devices

Use mobile devices for your Art Gallery

- art gallery software iPhone
- art gallery software iPad
- art gallery software Tablet

Loook-up customer or artwork information with your mobile devices.

iPhone for Art Galleries
Art Gallery Software - by DaVinci iPhone 15

Current Special Offer

For a limited time we are able to offer price reduced beta testing of some art gallery business apps if you Please do not hesitate to contact us for this opportunity to take fantastic advantage of this excellent Art Gallery Software at a very special price.

*conditions apply

Art gallery software claris Filemaker

We are an authorized reseller for Claris™ FileMaker™ workflow software platform.

Claris™ and FileMaker™ are Trademarks. Claris, Claris Connect, the Claris logo, FileMaker, FileMaker Cloud, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, FileMaker WebDirect and the file folder logo are trademarks of Claris International Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Claris Go, Claris Pro, Claris Server, Claris Studio and Claris WebDirect are trademarks of Claris International Inc. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. FileMaker is a cross-platform relational database application from Claris International, a subsidiary of Apple Inc.
1CloudSoftware Ltd is a Claris Partner for FileMaker Development, FileMaker Consultation, FileMaker Reseller, FileMaker Cloud Hosting. Art Gallery Software @ 1CloudSoftware Ltd is an Independent Entity And This Web Site Has Not Been Authorized, Sponsored, Or Otherwise Affiliated With Claris International, Inc. FileMaker Is A Trademark Of Claris International, Inc., Registered In The U.S. And Other Countries.

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Art Gallery Software Guide Download

What is Art Gallery Software?
Premium Art Gallery Software modular package for easily creating productivity through managed workflow.
Art Gallery Software | DaVinci | The professional choice for art galleries. DaVinci Art Gallery Software is fully integrated and comprehensive. Perfect for art gallery admin and web site publishing.

DaVinci Art Gallery Manager Software is developed
with the secure & advanced 'Workplace Innovation' platform Claris FileMaker and provided as On-Premises or Secure Private Cloud Infrastructure.
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Two main categories are:
A) Automated Admin and Sales Modules (CRM)
B) Integrated Instant Web Site Creator & Publisher Module (CMS)

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DaVinci Art Gallery Manager Software offers automated, typical Art Gallery workflows that makes your work easier faster, effiicient and more secure.

DaVinci ArtGallery Software data encryption offers highest security levels.
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Made with Claris FileMaker, the worlds leading workplace innovation platform. Within the last 30 years, FileMaker solutions have been deployed at more than 50.000 companies.

DaVinci Art Gallery Manager is Powered by Claris FileMaker™ (An Apple Subsidiary).

Software applications built with the Claris FileMaker platform are highly customisable. Changes and adding of features is always possible, even after yeas of initial deployment.

Current Version: 4.4 and 4.6 beta
Copyright © 2023 1CloudSoftware Ltd

Art Gallery Software

Art Gallery Software on iPhone

Davinci Art Gallery Software on iPhone

Art Gallery Software on iPad

Davinci Art Gallery Software

Art Gallery Contacts, Customer Management

CRM - Customer and Artist Relationship Management System for Art Galleries

Automatic Art Gallery Web Site Builder

Art Gallery Software for Web Creation and Publishing

Automatic Art Gallery Inventory/ Consigments

Art Gallery Inventory Admin Software

Automatic Art Gallery Web Site Builder

Art Gallery Software Dashboard

About DaVinci Art Gallery Software

1. DaVinci Art Gallery Apps: Admin Modules

1.1 Navigation - Dashboard
1.2 Contacts & Clients
1.2.1 Artists Database
1.3 Inventory Management
1.4 Artworks Database
1.6 Sales / POS
1.7 Invoicing / Billing
1.8 Consignment Management / Payouts
1.9 Event Management
1.10 Reporting - Daily Report
1.11 Document Archiving
1.12 Staff Database
1.13 Tasks Management
1.14 Accounts Integration
1.15 Auction Admin*

2.DaVinci Art Gallery Apps: Web creation, Publishing & eCommerce Modules
2.1 Web Creation*
2.2 eCommerce*

3. DaVinci Art Gallery System Functions & Security

4. DaVinci Art Gallery General OS, Platform & General App Features

* = optional

Current Special Offers*

Please do not hesitate to contact us for this opportunity to take advantage of this excellent Art Gallery Software at a very special price.

Contact Form

Beautiful Art Gallery Business Reports

Art Gallery Admin Functions

1. Art Gallery Software Admin Modules

1.1 Art Gallery: Navigation - Dashboard
- Dynamic Menu Page Navigation
- Activity Dashboard

1.2 Art Gallery: Contacts & Clients
- Contacts Database
- Customer Interactions Log
- Client Profile
- Payments Portal View
- Purchases Portal View
- Invoicing Portal View
- Marketing Activities View
- Notes Portal View
- Related Contacts Portal View
- CRM Client Relationship Mgmt
- Outgoing eMail
- Incoming eMails*
- Scheduled Follow-Ups
- Who bought what?
- Client History
- Listings
- Detail Views
- Quick Find

1.2.1 Art Gallery: Artists Management
- Artist Database
- Artist Photo
- Artist Relationship Management
- Artist Profile
- Artist Bio
- Artist Interactions Log
- Consignments Portal View
- Sales Portal View
- Payouts Portal View
- Payout Statement
- Remittance Portal View
- Notes Portal View
- Related Contacts Portal View
- Outgoing eMail
- Incoming eMails*
- Listings
- Detail Views
- Quick Find
- Artist Sales Reports

1.3 Art Gallery: Inventory Management
- Purchase Orders
- Stock Entry
- Stock Locations
- Consignment Report
- Owners Report
- Artwork Photo Library
- Web Integration- Listings
- Detail Views
- Quick Find

1.4 Art Gallery: Artworks Management
- Art Database
- Art Artwork Profile
- Artworks Catalog
- Art Flyer
- Artist Data Integration
- Inventory Integration
- Categories, Medium, Dimensions
- Automatic Availability Indicator
- Automatic Web Publishing Indicator
- Link to Artwork Live Web page
- Medium Selector
- Editions
- Pricing & Costing
- Complete Web Integration
- Artwork Marketing Flyer with QR Code
- COA Flyer with QR Code
- Web Publishing Settings
- Web Pricing
- Specials Pricing
- Image Library Integration
- Multiple Images per Artwork
- Crop Artwork umber of Additional Images
- Certificate Of Authenticity
- Stock Returns
- Listings
- Detail Views
- Quick Find

1.5 Art Gallery: Marketing Support
- eMailing Campaign Database
- MailChimp Integration
- Customer Labels
- QR code Labels
- eBook Creator*
- PDF Catalogs
- PDF Flyers
- Image Libraries
- Quick Find
- Prospects Scheduled Follow Ups

1.6 Art Gallery: Sales Support
- Point-Of-Sale
- Quick Sale
- Scheduled Follow Ups
- Artists Payout Integration
- Client Integration
- Artwork Integration
- Invoicing Integration
- Sales Reports
- Artist Sales Reports
- YTD Reports
- Graphical Visualisation

1.7 Art Gallery: Invoicing / Billing
- Invoice Composer
- Multi Line Items per Invoice
- Create Payouts Remittance PDF
- Invoice eMailer
- Payments
- Payable Statement
- Listings
- Detail Views
- Reports
- Access to Line Items Records

1.8 Art Gallery: Consignment Management / Payouts / Artist Remittance Advise
- Payouts Verification
- Payouts Composer
- Payouts Scheduler
- Payouts Statements / eMail
- Remittance Advice
- eMail Remittance
- Print Remittance
- Listings
- Detail Views
- Reports

1.9 Art Gallery: Event Management
- Calendar
- Event Planner
- Exhibitions Planner

1.10 Art Gallery: Reporting - Daily Reports
- Graphical Visualisation
- YTD Sales Reports

1.11 Art Gallery: Archiving
- Documents
- Customer Interactions Log
- Artist interaction Log
- Artworks
- Artists Details
- Artists Catalog
- Artist Notes
- Invoices
- Estimations
- Artist Payout Data
- Artist Consignments
- Artists Catalogs
- Artist Notes
- Client Notes
- Invoicing
- Estimations

1.12 Art Gallery: Staff
- Staff Database
- Listings
- Detail Views

1.13 Art Gallery: Tasks Management
- Task Management
- Task Scheduling
- Listings
- Detail Views

1.14 Art Gallery: Accounts Integration
- XERO Integration*
- QuickBooks*

1.15 Art Gallery: Auction Admin*
- Auction Management
- Lots Management
- Event Management
- Buyer Management
- Seller Management
- Invoicing
- Remittance Advice
- Listings
- Detail Views

* = Optional

Claris FileMaker